Miruna Dragan (Bucharest,1975) is an interdisciplinary artist settled in Alberta, on Blackfoot traditional lands. She responds to observed synchronicities through a broad range of methods and materials, toward a subjective reimagining of archetypal myths and landscapes. Reflecting themes of dispersion and transcendence, both as individual pieces and collectively within immersive environments, her works offer themselves as tools for meta/physics.
2001 MFA: Painting / Printmaking, Rhode Island School of Design, US
Collegiate Teaching Certificate: Sheridan Center – Brown University, US
1997 BA: Studio Art, University of California, Davis, US (Mentored by Wayne Thiebaud)
Selected Professional Activity
TBD (Solo Exhibition), Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, 2016.
Shadows Mirror Shadows (Solo Exhibition), G Gallery, Toronto, 2014.
The Wood And Wave Each Other Know, (Screening), Integral House, Toronto, 2014.
The Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, 2013.
Felix Coeli Porta (Permanent Fresco), Museo de la Ciudad, Queretaro, Mexico, 2012.
Selected Exhibitions
2022 O S O S O, Concurrently at: Muséo De Arte Contemporáneo, Muséo Regional, Muséo de la Ciudad, Querétaro, Mex (Collective: Corbin Union, Curators Papús Von Säenger, Paulina Macías, Gabriel Hörner) Invisible Forces, Leaning Out Of Windows Art & Physics Collaboration, ECUAD, Vancouver, CA (Group, Curators Randy Lee Cutler & Ingrid Koenig, Publication)
2021 O S O S O, Contemporary Art Gallery of Vancouver, CA (Collective: Corbin Union, Curators Kimberly Phillips & Julia Lamare, Publication)
2019 Really: Sequences Biennial Ix, Real-Time Art Festival, Reykjavik, IS (Group, Curators Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir & Ingólfur Arnarsson, Publication)
2018 When Either But Not Both Are True, Blackwood Gallery, Univ. Of Toronto, Mississauga, CA (Solo, Curator Christine Shaw, Publication)
2017 Everywhere Possible Therefore True, Nickle Galleries, University of Calgary, CA (Solo, Curator Michele Hardy, Publication)
2016 Another Name For Everywhere, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, CA (Solo, Curator Christina Cuthbertson)
2015 The Wood and Wave Each Other Know, W/ Jason de Haan, Nanaimo Art Gallery, CA (Group: Silva: Booming Grounds, Curator Jesse Birch, Publication)
2013 The Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art, Art Gallery Of Alberta, Edmonton, CA w/ Jason De Haan, Group, Curator Nancy Tousley, Publication) Splendid Isolation, The Esker Foundation, Calgary, CA (4-Person Exhibition, Curator Naomi Potter, Publication)
2012 Felix Coeli Porta (Permanent Fresco Intervention) &, The Wood and Wave Each Other Know (Solo w/ Jason de Haan, Museo de la Ciudad, Queretaro, Mex (Curator Gabriel Horner, Publication)
2022 Bad At Sports, Contemporary Art Podcast: “Badlands Art Department”, Duncan Mackenzie, Nov 2022, https://badatsports.com/2022/episode-824-the-badlands-art-department-ja…
2021 Reissue, Review: “OSOSO: Corbin Union at the Contemporary Art Gallery”, Michael Loncaric & Lauren Lavery, May 2022, https://reissue.pub/articles/ososo-corbin-union-at-the-Contemporary-art-gallery
2020 Contemporary Art Daily, “‘The Mushroom At The End Of The World By Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’ At U’s”, https://contemporaryartdaily.com/2020/11/the-mushroom-at-the-end-of-the-world-by-anna-lowenhaupt-tsing-at-us/
2018 Canadian Art Magazine, Feature: “10 Artists Who Work Between Meaning and Understanding”, Natasha Chaykowski, Summer Issue
2017 Luma Quarterly, “Naked And Alone At The Threshold Between Two Worlds”, Tyler Stewart, Issue 007, Volume Two, http://lumaquarterly.com/issues/volume-two/007-winter/naked-and-alone-at-the-threshold-between-two-worlds/#3
2012 Canadian Art, Review: “Jason de Haan and Miruna Dragan”, Jan Peacock, Spring Issue
Selected Awards
Individual Project Grant, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, 2014.
Faculty Professional Affairs Fund, ACAD, 2014.
Scholarly Research & Creativity Initiative Fund, ACAD, 2012.